Page 383 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 383

North Korea            Date              South Korea
                                                         April 3,   The ROK announces the opening of three DMZ Peace
                                                         2019  Dulle-gil (currently known as the DMZ Peace Trail)
                     14th Supreme People’s Assembly holds the first meeting   April 11,
                     (April 11 - 12)                     2019
                     Chairman Kim delivers an administrative speech at the
                     Supreme People’s Assembly          April 12,
                     *  “...transform inter-Korean relations into solid   2019
                     reconciliation and cooperation relations”
                                                        April 22,  The ROK and the US conduct a combined air exercise (2
                                                         2019  weeks)  *  Alternative to Max Thunder
                     North Korea–Russia summit (Vladivostok)
                     Spokesperson of the National Committee for the
                     Peaceful Reunification of Fatherland issues a statement
                     condemning the combined air exercise
                     *  “...the ROK–US combined air exercise violated the   April 25,
                     military agreement”                 2019
                     North Korean Minster of Defense gives a speech in
                     relation to the peace regime (Moscow)
                     *  “...must move from armistice agreement to peace
                                                               The ROK government holds a "peace performance" (JSA)
                                                        April 27,   The ROK government opens "DMZ Peace Trail" in
                                                               Goseong to the public (Step 1)
                                                         May 1,   The ROK government resumes tours to the south of JSA
                     North Korea fires two short-range ballistic missiles   The ROK government responds to North Korean
                     (Wonsan)                            May 4,   short-range missile launches
                     *  Chairman Kim instructs a fire strike exercise in the   2019  *  “...inconsistent with the purpose of the CMA”
                     eastern area
                     Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs answers,
                     *  “ was just part of normal military exercise”
                     Spokesperson for the delegation of general-level military   May 8,   The ROK government responds to North Korean
                     talks condemns the ROK military authorities,  2019  short-range missile launches
                     *  “...they have no right to bring up the military
                                                               The ROK government responds to North Korean
                     North Korea fires two short-range ballistic missiles   short-range ballistic missile launches
                     (Gusong, North Pyongan Province)    May 9,   *  “...very concerned that such missile launches will not at
                     *  Chairman Kim instructs a fire strike exercise in the the   2019  all help efforts to improve inter-Korean relations and
                     western area
                                                               alleviate military tensions on the Korean Peninsula”
                                                               President Moon Jae-in’s interview on the 2nd anniversary
                                                               of his inauguration
                                                        May 10,
                                                         2019  *  “...have warned the North that if this behavior continues,
                                                               it may make inter-Korean dialogue and negotiations
                                                        May 27,   Ulchi Taeguk Exercise (May 27 - 30)
                                                         June 1,   The ROK government opens “DMZ Peace Trail” in
                                                         2019  Cheorwon to the public
                                                               The ROK and the US Defense Ministers hold talks,
                                                         June 3,
                                                         2019  announcing the end of the Ulchi-Freedom Guardian (UFG)
                                                               The ROK holds a burial ceremony for the remains
                                                               presumed to be part of the UN Forces found at
                                                        June 11,   Arrowhead Hill
                                                               The ROK Navy tows a drifting fishing boat from North
                                                               Korea in the East Sea and repatriates it to North Korea

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