Page 376 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 376

④  Personnel necessary for construction, quantity and identification of equipment, and working
                hours will be decided unilaterally at each side’s convenience and notified to the other side.
              ⑤  If any personnel or vehicle needs to cross the MDL for the purpose of road construction, prior
                notification should be provided to the other side.
              ⑥ Road construction must be completed by December 31, 2018.

            3. Composition and operation of the Joint Remains Recovery Team
              ① Composition of the Joint Remains Recovery Team
                -  The two sides will establish a joint investigation team and a site command team, each with 5
                 members and headed by a colonel-level official.
                -  The Joint Remains Recovery Team will be comprised of personnel numbering 80 to 100 from
                 each side.
                -  The two sides will complete the composition of the Joint Remains Recovery Team and notify
                 each other by the end of February 2019.
              ②  Operation of the Joint Remains Recovery Team - The joint investigation team and the site
                command team will jointly consult and resolve any practical issue that may arise with regard to
                the pilot joint remains recovery project within the DMZ.
                -  Joint remains recovery operations at the pilot site will take place from April 1 to October 31,
                -  In consideration of the seasonal climate, working hours for remains recovery at the pilot site
                 will be from 0900 to 1200 hours and from 1500 to 1800 hours. If needed, the hours may be
                 reduced or extended subject to the agreement of both sides.

            4.Security assurance and joint management
              ①  Any action violating the personal safety of personnel from the other side is prohibited during
                the joint remains recovery process.
              ②  Any material or equipment that may threaten personal safety, such as weapons and
                explosives, is not allowed into the joint remains recovery site.
              ③  Any action provoking the other side in the joint remains recovery site is prohibited.
              ④  In case a natural disaster occurs within the joint remains recovery site, the two sides will
                establish damage repair measures and cooperate accordingly.
              ⑤  Once joint remains recovery is completed, each side will manage its own area and road
                between the MDL and its end point of the DMZ. Matters regarding the use of roads will be
                decided in the future through consultations.

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