Page 358 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 358


                 Comparing Defense Budgets Around the World

                                                                                  As of 2019
                                      Defense Budget   Defense Budget-  Troops  Per-Capita Defense
                Country  GDP (USD billion)
                                        (USD billion)  GDP Ratio (%)  (thousand)  Budget (USD)
                 ROK         1,646.3      42.5         2.43         579         816
              United States  22,440       684.6        3.19        1,380        2,063
                Japan        5,150        48.6         0.94         247         386
                China        14,100       181.1        1.28        2,035        130
                Russia       1,640        48.2         2.94         900         340
                Taiwan        586         10.9         1.87         163         464
                 UK          2,740        54.8         2.00         148         837
                France       2,710        52.3         1.93         204         773
               Germany       3,860        48.5         1.26         181         604
                 Israel       388         19.3         5.82         170         2,254
                Egypt         302          3.4         1.54         439          33
              Saudi Arabia    779         78.4        10.06         227         2,331
                Australia    1,380        25.5         1.85         57          1,074
                Turkey        744          8.1         1.09         355          99
                Malaysia      365          3.3         0.91         113         103
                Thailand      529          7.1         1.34         361         103
               Singapore      363         11.3         3.11         51          1,846
                Canada       2,300        18.7         1.08         67          518
            *  Source: The Military Balance 2018 (Center for Strategic and International Studies, February 2020), the ROK’s data is derived from government statistics.

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