Page 351 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 351

and Armed Forces Daejeon Hospital (72 beds) were designated as national infectious disease hospitals
                     in February to contribute to the treatment of coronavirus patients in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do
                      In particular, to rapidly acquire negative pressure rooms, the ROK Armed Forces, with a posture
                     equivalent to a military operation, deployed up to 100 military engineers a day to the Armed Forces
                     Daegu Hospital to convert 98 general rooms into 303 negative pressure rooms and helped hospitalize
                     300 coronavirus patients in seven days.

                     | Support of Manpower and Facilities |  From
                     January to November 2020, the ROK Armed
                     Forces carried out a variety of tasks by providing
                     around 220,000 personnel to operate newly
                     established facilities due to the spread of
                     COVID-19 such as residential treatment centers,
                     temporary living facilities, and screening clinics.
                     First, the ROK Armed Forces carried out tasks to   Counseling support of mental health counselors against the
                                                            pandemic in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do Province (April
                     improve the convenience of coronavirus patients   2020)
                     such as delivering food and sorting goods at
                     residential treatment centers which are operated for patients with mild symptoms and temporary living
                     facilities for short-term residents who are foreign nationals and overseas Koreans. In Daegu and
                     Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, 13 barracks life counselors who volunteered from all over the country
                     were dispatched as "mental health counselors against the pandemic" to provide psychological
                     counseling for 2,000 hours to approximately 8,000 citizens who suffered from psychological anxiety.
                      In addition, as overseas Koreans returned from Wuhan, Hubei Province in China in February, the Korea
                     Defense Language Institute was assigned as their temporary living facility during their isolation period,
                     considering the overall accessibility from the airport and medical institutions, size, and amenities.

                     | Support for Quarantine and Epidemic Control |  From January to November 2020, the ROK Armed
                     Forces provided more than 100,000 quarantine personnel and interpreters to 20 quarantine stations at
                     airports and ports nationwide to forestall the inflow of infections from overseas entrants. The Capital
                     Corps and the 9th Special Forces Brigade played a leading role in operating a field command post at
                     Incheon International Airport to which the largest number of quarantine personnel had been assigned-
                     thereby building a seamless cooperative system with the government-wide support team within the
                     airport-and systemically managed various matters such as allocating personnel to each quarantine desk,
                     assigning duties and conducting education, and providing operations support. Furthermore, the forces
                     checked the health conditions of each servicemember at all times and strictly observed the quarantine
                     guidelines, thus completing all duties safely without a single case of infection.

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