Page 335 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 335

Special            Introduction of Alternative Service Program for
                   03            Military Service Objectors Based on Religious Beliefs, Etc.

                     1. Background and Progress

                     In the ROK, more than 500 people on average each year refuse to serve in the military due to their
                     religious or personal beliefs. Thus, social controversy has continued as they were sentenced to
                     imprisonment by the court in criminal proceedings.

                     <Previous Status of Conscientious Objectors due to their Religious Beliefs>
                                                                           2001 - June 2018 (Unit: year, persons)
                       2001    2002   2003    2004   2005    2006    2007   2008    2009   2010
                       379     825     561    755     828    781     571    375     728     721
                        2011    2012    2013    2014     2015    2016    2017    2018     Total
                        633     598     623      565     493     557     461      71      10,525

                      99.3% for belief as Jehovah’s Witnesses (10,454) and 0.7% for personal beliefs (71)
                       After the Constitutional Court’s decision in June 2018, those who refused to serve in the military have had their enrollment
                      postponed until the enforcement of the program.

                      On June 28, 2018, the Constitutional Court of Korea declared that provisions related to Article 5 (1)
                     (Categories of Military Service) of the Military Service Act are nonconforming to the Constitution  in the
                     judicial review of the constitutionality and adjudication on a constitutional complaint, and on July 16,
                     2018, led by MND, three institutions-MND, MMA, and the Ministry of Justice-organized an Alternative
                     Service Task Force to formulate an alternative service program. To design a reasonable alternative
                     service program that harmonizes "duty of military service" and "freedom of conscience", the TF

                     First public hearing (October 2018)    Second public hearing (December 2018)

                     1)   "As the current categories of military service violate the conscience of objectors due to their religious beliefs, etc. as they

                         all premise military training, Article 5 (1) of the Military Service Act, which does not prescribe any alternative service
                         programs for conscientious objectors pursuant to the freedom of conscience under Article 19 of the Constitution of the
                         Republic of Korea, does not conform to the Constitution; thus, the relevant articles shall be applicable provisionally until
                         December 31, 2019."

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