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Rescue Training Event (CSAR-TE).
                            In 2019, to further expand combined
                            exercise opportunities, the Air Force
                            newly established the medium-sized
                            Combined Forces Exercise (CFE), Bu-
                            ddy Wing Bravo exercise conducted
                            on a small scale between the ROK–US
                            combat squadrons, and combined close   Combined Forces Training (November 2019)
                            air support training.
                             The Air Force has regularly parti-cipated in overseas combined exercises
                            including multinational combined theater-level air training (Red Flag-Alaska) and
                            humanitarian assistance and disaster relief cooperation training among countries in
                            the Pacific Rim (Cope North), while the combined war damage repair training (Silver
                            Flag) is improving the Air Force’s wartime damage recovery capabilities. The Air
                            Force has also been participating in the US advanced airborne tactical training since
                            2018 to improve its ability to perform special operations such as infiltration and drop
                            tactics. The Air Force currently seeks participation in various overseas combined
                            exercises to improve its ability to conduct combined operations with various
                            countries, secure interoperability, and exchange tactics. The combined exercises
                            carried out by the Air Force for the past three years are summarized in [Chart 3-15].

                            [Chart 3-15] The Air Force’s Joint Exercises During the Past Three Years
                                                                                       (Unit: times)
                                               Domestic                     Overseas
                            Year Total
                                      Subtotal  ROK–US  Multilateral  Subtotal  ROK–US  Multilateral
                            2018  21    18       17        1          3         -        3
                            2019  22    18       17        1          4         1        3
                            2020  68    66       66         -         2         -        2

                             In tandem with the various types of training and exercises, the Air Force continues
                            to improve its SSA capability and its ability to conduct combined space operations
                            through scientific training using ground simulators, Air Combat Maneuvering
                            Instrumentation (GPS-ACMI), and Electronic Warfare Training System (EWTS)
                            and Global Sentinel, an international combined exercise for safe space operations
                            and enhancement of space cooperation.
                             The Marine Corps regularly conducts amphibious training at least twice a year
                            to develop capabilities to execute forcible entry operations. It maintains the highest
                            level of operational readiness posture through a variety of training and exercises

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