Page 118 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 118

QR Code Index

                National Defense   ROK Armed Forces  Army          Army dronebot     Navy
                Reform 2.0       Public service   promotional      battle group      promotional
                p. 48            advertisement    video            established       video
                                 p. 54            p. 56            p. 56             p. 57

                Commissioning    Marine Corps     Air Force        Dokdo             National defense
                ceremony for     promotional      promotional      promotional video  cybersecurity
                Navy submarines   video           video            (Dokdo, beautiful   policy
                Jangbogo-III and   p. 57          p. 58            island of Korea)  p. 77
                Dosan Ahn Changho                                  p. 62
                p. 57

                Fully prepared against   Joint maritime   Navy live fire   Air Force   2017 Marine Corps
                “new types of terrorism”   training for   training on the   Red Flag Exercise   Cobra Gold
                during PyeongChang   Army, Navy, and Air   East Sea  in Alaska       (Combined Amphibious
                Olympic Winter Games  Force cadets  p. 102         p. 103            Operation) Exercise
                p. 81            p. 97                                               p. 106

                2018 ROK         Air Force        2017             Army              50 Security
                Navy International   Black Eagles   Seoul ADEX     Mobilization Force   Consultative Meeting
                Fleet Review     promotional video  p. 142         Command established  (SCM)
                p. 116           p. 142                            p. 143            p. 173

                2018 Seoul Defense   Cheonghae Unit in   70  Armed   Mothers’ Monitoring   2018 Defense Budget
                Dialogue (SDD)   the Gulf of Aden  Forces Day      Group visits the camp  Debate
                p. 201           (promotional     ceremony         p. 241            p. 263
                                 animation)       p. 229
                                 p. 217

                Remains of Korean   Military Agreement for   Inter-Korean   Demotion of GPs
                KIAs in Hawaii   the Implementation   general      in the North Korea
                returned to the home   of the Historical   officer-levelmilitary   side of DMZ
                country after 68 years  Panmunjom   talk resumed in   p. 295
                p. 285           Declaration adopted  11 years
                                 p. 294           p. 294

           420    Appendix
   113   114   115   116   117   118