Page 10 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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| Enhance the Objectivity and Fairness of HR Decisions | There have been complaints of human
resource management decisions in the military being affected by personal ties. In particular, although the
ROK Armed Forces launched the outstanding military expert program to assign experts with outstanding
talents to the right positions, the program posed problems with identifying and managing experts in different
areas and overlapped with the existing term-based promotion system.
To prevent the possible abuse of the outstanding military expert program for other purposes, the Committee
for the Eradication of Deep-Rooted Evils in the Military recommended abolishing the said program for general
promotion and preventing chiefs of staffs of each service from intervening in the decisions of committees for
deliberation on recommendations.
The MND is pursuing an amendment to the Military Personnel Management Act that abolishes the
outstanding military expert program for general promotion and excluding chiefs of staffs of each service
from committees for deliberation on recommendations.
| Eradicate Sexual Violence in the Military | Despite continued efforts, sexual violence in the military
continues today.
The Committee for the Eradication of Deep-Rooted Evils in the Military set sexual violence aside from
other human rights issues, and after in-depth discussions, recommended a number of actions including
the following: establishing a supervisory organization for policies aimed at preventing sexual violence in the
military; reinvestigating sexual violence cases involving general-level officers over the last 10 years; fostering
an organizational environment for eradicating sexual violence; providing support for victims; and improving
on the related rules and regulations.
In addition to establishing an independent supervisory organization, the MND selected and implemented 12 tasks
in the areas of policy, organizational environment, and victim support, which include actions such as monitoring and
evaluation of sexual violence eradication policies and strengthening sexual violence prevention activities.
3. Systematic Implementation of Recommendations
Throughout the five-month operation of the Committee for the Eradication of Deep-Rooted Evils in the
Military, the MND gained insight into the pains and sufferings caused by corruption and unreasonable
practices in military and used this realization as an opportunity to transform the ROK Armed Forces into an
organization that people want to join and parents want to send their children to. Going forward, the MND
plans to achieve visible results in addressing the corruption that has been piling up within the military by fully
implementing the 69 recommendations proposed by the committee.
312 Appendix