Page 82 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 82

2. Establishing a Posture to Prevent and Counter Domestic and
            Overseas Terrorism

             The patterns of recent terrorist attacks are diversifying in terms of perpetrators, means, and

           targets, as seen in the vehicle rampage attacks in London, United Kingdom, and in Nice, France;
           the serial bombings in Indonesia; and the mosque attack in Egypt. The number of countries
           targeted by terrorism is also growing. In the ROK, the mass shooting with an improvised firearm

           in 2016 and the “tumbler bomb” incident in Yonsei University in 2017 showed that homegrown
           terrorism by those dissatisfied with the society can take place domestically.
             To effectively counter the growing threats of terrorism, the ROK Armed Forces is  striving

           to enhance its counterterrorism system and the operational capabilities of counterterrorism
           operation units. Through the revision of the “MND Directive on Counterterrorism Activities,” the
           ROK Armed Forces has established and enhanced the system that enables real-time interagency
           exchange of terrorism-related information, and developed concrete roles and missions of each

           dedicated organization. In addition, the “working-level crisis response manual for terrorism” has
           been refined, enhancing the counterterrorism operation execution system. Since 2017, a budget

           of KRW 53.3 billion has been used to supply the military counterterrorism operation units with
           the latest equipment and supplies to enhance their operational capabilities and survivability.
           Moreover, the ROK Armed Forces has integrated the special mission units for counterterrorism
           that have been designated for their respective local areas and the counterterrorism units formed

           for different types of terrorism into “packages” to ef fectively counter various types of terrorism.
             During the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games
           in PyeongChang, the ROK Armed Forces seamlessly

           supported counterterrorism and security activities. As
           a result, the PyeongChang Olympics was lauded by the
           world as the safest and most peaceful Olympics.

             Meanwhile, to effectively respond to international threats of   Counter-terrorism training conducted
           terrorism, the ROK endeavors to promote counterterrorism   for the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics
                                                                 (January 2018)
           cooperation and coordination with the international

           community, including participating in the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM-
           Plus) Experts’ Working Group on Counter-Terrorism and the ADMM-Plus combined exercise on

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