Page 72 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 72

The “strategic strike system” 20)  realizes deterrence by both denial 21)  and punishment 22)  to deter

           and counter a full range of asymmetric threats from all sides. For this, the ROK Armed Forces
           is building forces equipped with long-distance surveillance capabilities and precision strike

             The KAMD—a multilayered defense system for intercepting missiles launched toward the
           ROK—consists of a detection system, a command and control system, and an interception system.
             In preparation against omnidirectinal missile threats, the ROK Armed Forces will expand the

           defendable areas and improve its strike capability to have multilayered defense 23)  capabilities
           optimized for the battlef ield environment of the Korean Peninsula. The ROK Armed Forces
           currently has defense capabilities for key facilities in the capital area and major air bases with

           the fielding of the ballistic missile early warning radar, Aegis ship, and patriot missile batteries.
           To counter diverse future missile threats, the ROK Armed Forces will continuously enhance the
           KAMD system and bolster its interoperability with the U.S. missile defense systems to improve
           its capacity for deploying counter-missile capabilities and the reliability of its counter-missile


           |  Supporting the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula   |     In parallel with the
           strengthening of capabilities to deter and counter North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats,
           the ROK Armed Forces is striving to support the government’s ef forts for the fundamental and
           peaceful resolution of the North Korean nuclear issues on the military front.

             The MND is supporting the government’s ef forts to denuclearize and establish a peace
           regime on the Korean Peninsula by utilizing various defense–diplomacy channels and defense
           consultative mechanisms and exploring ways to ef fectively utilize the ROK Armed Forces’

           support capabilities such as intelligence and logistics support, language interpretation, and

           20)  The concept that covers the existing Kill Chain system and the Korea Massive Punishment and Retaliation (KMPR)
           21)  The concept in which a country acquires capabilities to deny the enemy’s attainment of a particular strategic
               objective and, therefore, make the enemy give up its plan to attack upon recognition that the level of damages
               and risks from an act of aggression would exceed potential gains
           22)  The concept in which one threatens to retaliate to make his enemy refrain from taking action upon recognition
               that the costs of the action would be greater than the expected gains
           23)  A defense system, composed of multiple intercept systems, is capable of counterattacking the enemy’s missiles
               in more than one engagement.

           70    Chapter 3  Establishing a Robust Defense Posture against Omnidirectional Security Threats
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