Page 299 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 299

Since its inauguration in May 2017, Moon Jae-in’s administration has made continuous efforts

               to enable the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, establish permanent peace, and enhance
               U.S.-DPRK relations through advancement of inter-Korean relations. Notably, through the Berlin
               Initiative announced in July 2017, President Moon aff irmed before the world his intent to sign a

               peace treaty along with complete denuclearization by taking a comprehensive approach towards
               the North Korean nuclear issue as well as peace establishment. North Korea favorably responded to
               the ROK government’s commitment, which led both sides to pledge to “actively cooperate toward

               the establishment of a permanent and solid peace regime” through the ‘Panmunjom Declaration’
               on April 27, 2018.
                 During the process of transition from armistice to peace, the MND plans to stably manage

               the inter-Korean military situation by maintaining the armistice system and a robust ROK–U.S.
               combined defense system. Furthermore, the MND will support the ROK government’s effort in
               the military domain to cease hostile relations between the two Koreas and bring permanent peace
               to the Korean Peninsula through the “end-of-war declaration”. As progress is made toward the

               denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the establishment of a peace regime, the MND
               will embark on arms control initiatives and, at the same time, embrace the effort of inter-Korean

               military conf idence building. The denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the establishment
               of a peace regime will put an end to the long-standing division and confrontation, laying the
               stepping stones toward co-existence and mutual prosperity.

               |  Arms Control 7)   |    In the Panmunjom Declaration, South and North Korea agreed to carry out
               disarmament in a phased manner as military tensions are eased and progress is made in building
               conf idence. The Panmunjom Declaration reaff irms the commitment towards building conf idence

               expressed by their leaders in the Agreement on Reconciliation 8) , Non-Aggression, and Exchanges and
                                                                                                         Chapter 7

               7)  Stabilization of the arms race between two potential enemy states; in other words, all efforts toward increasing
                  security by eliminating or minimizing the risks and burdens of war through the control of operation and structure
                  (military forces, weapons) of military power and the imposition of sanctions against the violation of agreed-upon
               8)  Article 12 of the Agreement on Reconciliation, Non-Aggression, and Exchanges and Cooperation between South
                  and North Korea: The two sides shall discuss and carry out steps to build military confidence and realize arms
                  reduction, including phased reductions in armaments including the elimination of weapons of mass destruction
                  and attack capabilities, and verification thereof.

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