Page 260 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 260

[ Chart 6-10 ]  Goals and Key Contents of Military Judicial Reform
                         Ensuring Fair Trial and Protecting Human Rights through

                    Improvement of Military Courts        Improvement of Investigation Systems

                                                                            Judicial Police and
                 Organization           Trial             Prosecution
                Transfer jurisdiction      Abolish jurisdiction      Set up a military      Separate military police

             over appellate trials to   authorities’ rights to   prosecutor’s office in   in charge of
             civilian courts.     review decisions and   each service.     investigations and
                 Set up military courts   reduce sentences.       Abolish the   those in charge of
             that directly report to        Prohibit military judges   commanders’ right to   military operations.
             the MND.             from taking other legal   approve detention        Implement measures to
                Appoint civil legal
                                  positions.          warrant requests.    enhance the human
             practitioners as heads        Protect the status of        Provide military   rights practices by the
             of local military courts  military judges.  prosecutors with the   police.
                                      Abolish lay judges.  right to object.       Provide the legal basis
                                    Conduct circuit trials.     Introduce specific
                                                                           for the power of the
                                      Introduce participatory   restrictions on the   military judicial police.
                                  trial with          supervision of military        Ban the appointment of
                                  servicemembers.     prosecutors.         enlisted personnel as
                                                                           assistant military
                                                                           judicial police officers.
                                                                             Introduce public

                                                                           defenders for victims of
                                                                           military crimes.

           |  Developing Transparent and Reasonable Investigation Practices  |    To enhance the
           independence of military prosecutors, the MND decided to set up a prosecutor’s off ice in the

           headquarters of each service, in lieu of the common prosecutor’s division at division-level units
           or higher. The MND also decided to abolish the commanders’ right to approve requests for
           detention warrants. 19)  As for the expertise building for the military judicial police, the MND

           will separate the organizations and functions of the military police in charge of investigations
           and those in charge of military operations, provide the legal basis for the administrative police

           19)  Under Article 238 (Detention) of the Military Court Act, a military prosecutor needs the approval of the head of
               the affiliated unit when requesting a detention warrant.

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