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for industrial engineering, information processing, and craftsman forklift truck operation. 14)
           Through these tests, around 20,000 servicemembers acquire national technical qualif ications.

           [ Chart 6-8 ]  Distance Learning Course and National Technical Qualification Year-On-Year Report
                   Category          2013      2014      2015      2016      2017      2018

              No. of universities with
                                      99       110       122       134       141       145
             distance learning courses
              No. of distance learning
                                     3,225     3,337     3,506     3,871    3,922     4,145
              No. of servicemembers
            acquiring national technical   18,291  19,443  20,206  20,653   19,436    19,530

           |  Financial Support for Self-Development  |    The MND has been expanding the budget
           for subsidizing a part of the self-development expenses spent by servicemembers during their

           services. The MND also removed the fee for the use of the cyber knowledge information facility 15)
           in 2016 and subsidized distance learning course application fees in 2017, and is currently

           implementing the Self-Development Expense Subsidization Program. The benef iciaries of this
           program can receive a reimbursement of up to KRW 50,000 per year for spending on language
           and qualif ication tests and textbooks.

           14)  The ROK Armed Forces organizes national technical qualification tests once in each half-year for 21 industrial
               engineering qualifications and 61 technical qualifications. However, due to their high demand, the tests for
               forklift and excavator operators are provided all year round (38 tests in 2018).
           15)  Before 2016, servicemembers paid for their use of PCs at cyber knowledge information facilities and distance
               learning course application fees.

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