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Section 3       Expansion of Defense

                           Exchanges and Cooperation

           The ROK Armed Forces has been developing cooperative defense relations with China, Japan, and Russia
           based on the ROK–U.S. Alliance to promote peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast
           Asia. The ROK Armed Forces has also been contributing to world peace by expanding the boundaries of
           defense diplomacy to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Central and South America, and Africa, and by actively
           participating in multilateral security consultative bodies.

           1. Strengthening Defense Exchanges and Cooperation with
            Neighboring Countries

           |  Defense Exchanges and Cooperation with China  |
           The ROK and China have developed their relationship
           in various areas, such as politics, economy, society, and
           culture, since the establishment of diplomatic relations

           in 1992, and their relationship was upgraded to a
           “strategic cooperative partnership” in 2008. However,
                                                              ROK–China Defense Ministerial Talks
           after July 2016, when the decision to deploy the U.S.
                                                              (October 2018)
           Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD)
           system in the ROK to counter the growing nuclear and missile threats from North Korea was
           announced, most defense exchanges and cooperation between the ROK and China, except

           the humanitarian repatriation of Chinese soldiers’ remains and education exchange, were
           suspended. China strongly opposed the deployment, arguing that it would harm the country
           and the region’s strategic security interests.

             In December 2017, during the ROK–China Summit, the leaders of the two countries decided
           to expand bilateral cooperation to areas, such as politics, diplomacy, and security, and to vitalize
           various high-level strategic dialogues. Since the summit, the two countries have been restoring

           186    Chapter 5  Development of the ROK–U.S. Alliance, and Expansion of Defense Exchanges and Cooperation
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