Page 92 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 92

Central Integrated Defense Committee is the highest decision-making body in matters related

           to integrated defense, reporting to the prime minister. The committee deliberates and decides
           upon national-level integrated defense policies, integrated defense operations and training

           guidelines, and the declaration or lifting of an integrated defense situation. 31)
             Integrated Defense Headquarters is responsible for integrated defense operations. With the
           chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staf f serving as its director, the organization establishes and
           coordinates integrated defense policies, evaluates and supervises the integrated defense posture,

           conducts a comprehensive analysis of the status of integrated defense operations, and devises
           response measures. It also develops the Integrated Defense Operations and Training Guidelines
           and related plans, and conducts various tasks associated with their implementation including

           adjustment and control, cooperation with relevant organizations in the integrated defense
           system, and consultations and adjustments on matters related to project execution.
             Regional Integrated Defense Committees are set up in 17 metropolitan cities and provinces
           including the Seoul Metropolitan City and 226 cities, counties, and districts. They are chaired

           by metropolitan city mayors, provincial governors, city mayors, county governors, and district
           of f ice heads, respectively. Each Regional Integrated Defense Committee deliberates and decides

           upon matters including declaring or lifting an integrated defense situation at a local level, 32)
           establishing support measures for integrated defense operations, and designating vulnerable
           areas or repealing the designation thereof.
             Integrated Defense Support Headquarters, established at the level of a Metropolitan

           City, province (do), city (si), county (gun), district (gu), town (eup), township (myeon), and
           neighborhood (dong), develops and implements plans for supporting integrated defense
           operations and training. They also set up and operate an integrated defense all-source situation

           room while fostering and supporting national defense elements. In addition, they establish
           resident report systems in vulnerable areas in integrated defense.

           31)  The prime minister serves as the chairperson of the Central Integrated Defense Committee, and its committee
               members are the ministers of government departments including the minister of Economy and Finance,
               the minister of the Office for Government Policy Coordination, the minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs,
               the minister of Government Legislation, the minister of Food and Drug Safety, the director of the National
               Intelligence Service, the director of the Integrated Defense Headquarters (Chairman of the JCS), and others
               specified by the presidential decree.
           32)  According to Article 5 of the United Defense Act, among the regional integrated defense committees, only the
               committees of cities and provinces can declare and lift an integrated defense situation.

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