Page 35 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 35

nuclear weapons seems to have reached a considerable level.
                                                                                                         Chapter 1
                 After beginning ballistic missile developments in the 1970s, North Korea produced and fielded
               Scud-B and Scud-C with ranges of 300km and 500km, respectively, in the mid-1980s. In the late
               1990s, North Korea fielded the Nodong missile with a range of 1,300km and, later, the Scud-

               ER, which are scud missiles with extended range. In 2007, North Korea fielded the Musudan
               missile with a minimum range of 3,000km without a test launch. Through these successive
               additions to its missile inventory, North Korea has gained direct strike capabilities against the

               ROK and the surrounding countries of the Korean Peninsula. The types of ballistic missiles
               currently in North Korea’s inventory or under development are shown in [Chart 1-6].
                 Starting in 2012, North Korea has conducted test launches of missiles that have been deployed

               or are under development. In 2017, Hwasong-12, Hwasong-14, and Hwasong-15, as well as
               Pukguksong-2, were tested. Pyongyang fired Hwasong-12 missiles into the North Pacific Ocean
               in May, August, and September, and Hwasong-14 and Hwasong-15, which are capable of posing
               threats to the U.S. mainland, in July and November, respectively. However further confirmation

               is required to verify whether North Korea has acquired the atmosphere reentry technology, as
               it is yet to conduct tests for actual range of the missiles. The ranges of North Korea’s ballistic

               missiles are shown in [Chart 1-7].

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