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hospital visits, and meetings with family members, as long as they do not interfere with the

           readiness posture. The MND plans to hear the opinions from each service, and establish criteria
           for leave after working hours tailored to the different needs of forward units and rear units after
           the pilot operation. Then, the MND will fully implement the program starting in February 2019

           within the scope that does not interfere with the proper performance of military missions.

           |  Protection of Privacy  |    To protect the basic rights of servicemembers under the Constitution

           to the greatest extent, the MND plans to look into the realities of privacy protection for
           servicemembers who are particularly vulnerable to invasion of privacy in barracks, and take
           active measures to improve on the areas that need to be addressed.

             The ROK Armed Forces is striving to protect
           the privacy of enlisted servicemembers to the
           greatest extent by applying the “on-post com-
           muting” concept and promoting the use of self-

           governing programs. However, the efforts still
           need improvements.

             The MND plans to depart from the conventi-
                                                         Self-governing committee of enlisted
           onal perception that enlisted servicemembers   servicemembers
           should be managed and controlled around the
           clock, and instill the concept of on-post commuting and develop a code of conduct for off icers

           and NCOs’ entry in barracks. In addition, the MND plans to foster awareness of the proper
           management of barracks life among off icers and NCOs’, including the protection of privacy, by
           stressing the issue during off icer training programs.

           2. Eradication of Unreasonable Practices and Irrationalities

           |  Reinforced Activities to Eradicate Irrationalities  |    The ROK Armed Forces has  been
           working toward building armed forces that the “people want to join and parents want to send their

           children” by promoting autonomy and instilling a sense of responsibility. On the other hand, the
           ROK Armed Forces has witnessed many cases where unreasonable practices and irrationalities
           turn small issues into accidents. In addition, some point out that servicemembers’ discontent with

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