Page 164 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 164

The Mid-Term Defense Plan for 2019 –2023 thoroughly ref lects the major government projects

           of the Moon Jae-in administration, projects under “Defense Reform 2.0,” and the National
           Defense Policy for 2019–2033. The Plan makes a reasonable adjustment of force operating
           costs, including labor costs, through the reorganization of the defense workforce structure and

           ef f icient defense operations while channeling available f iscal resources to the force enhancement
             The total budget allocated to the Mid-Term Defense Plan for 2019 –2023 is KRW 270.7 tr illion.

           Under the plan, forc e operating costs will increase at an average rate of 5.8% per year;  the force
           enhancement budget, at 10.8%;  and the overall defense budget, at 7.5%. The breakdown of the
           budget for the Mid-Term Defense Plan for 2019 –2023 is shown in [Chart4-17].

           [ Chart 4-17 ]  Mid-Term Defense Budget Breakdown
                                                                                   (Unit: KRW trillion)
                                                     Years Subject to the Mid-Term Plan
                Category        2018
                                          2019     2020     2021     2022     2023     Total
               Defense Budget      43.2     46.7     50.3     54.1     57.8     61.8    270.7
                (Growth Rate)    (7.0%)   (8.2%)   (7.8%)   (7.5%)   (6.8%)   (7.0%)   (7.5%)

               Force Operating     29.6     31.3     33.3     35.4     37.3     39.3    176.6
                (Growth Rate)    (5.3%)   (5.7%)   (6.3%)   (6.3%)   (5.3%)   (5.4%)   (5.8%)
                   (Share)      (68.7%)  (67.1%)  (66.2%)  (65.4%)  (64.5%)   (63.5%)  (65.2%)

              Force Enhancement    13.5     15.4     17.0     18.7     20.5     22.5     94.1
                (Growth Rate)   (10.8%)  (13.7%)  (10.8%)   (9.8%)   (9.8%)   (9.8%)   (10.8%)
                   (Share)      (31.3%)  (32.9%)  (33.8%)  (34.6%)  (35.5%)   (36.5%)  (34.8%)

             The major contents of the Mid-Term Defense Plan for 2019 –2023 in the category of force
           operations are as follows.
             First, to ensure that the existing forces exercise their capabilities, KRW 5.3 trillion is allocated

           to the expansion of war sustainment capabilities via the achievement of an adequate equipment
           availability rate and ammunition per formance. KRW 346.4 billion is allocated mainly to
           the strengthening of education and training for combat missions. The adequate equipment

           availability rate will be achieved through the procurement of combat-critical repair parts,
           the expansion of PBL support, and maintenance support for new weapons systems. For the
           assurance of ammunition p erformance, ammunition storage facilities will be modernized with

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