Page 126 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 126

Section 3       Force Enhancement Based on


           The MND is strengthening its defense capabilities to effectively counter the omnidirectional security threats,
           including diverse military threats, in order to establish a robust security posture. To this end, the ROK Armed
           Forces is building up its forces to realize the concept of joint military strategies and joint operations based on
           assessments of strategic environments and threat analysis.

           1. Basic Direction of Force Enhancement

             To effectively respond to the omnidirectional security threats posed by North Korea, including

           potential, transnational, and nonmilitary threats, within the framework of available funds, the
           MND is building up its forces based on the selection and concentration strategy. The MND
           will prioritize establishing capabilities to deter and counter nuclear and WMD threats as well as
           threats from Long-Range Artillery (LRA). It will also build up strategic deterrence capabilities

           to prepare for potential threats. Furthermore, in conjunction with the reorganization of the
           military structure, the MND will continue to pursue a balanced force buildup and secure forces
           to prepare against terrorism, cyber threats, accidents and disasters, as well as forces that can

           lead to the advancement of science and technology including the Fourth Industrial Revolution
           and IT.
             From the standpoint of dif ferent battlef ield functions, the battlef ield recognition forces will

           establish a surveillance, reconnaissance, and early warning system for the spheres of defense and
           surveillance by acquiring step-by-step military reconnaissance satellites, various manned and
           unmanned surveillance aircraf t, and electronic war fare and signal intelligence collection systems.

           They will also enhance battlef ield visualization capabilities across all echelons that incorporate
           new concept technologies. The command and control, and communication forces will reinforce
           the function of the tactical C4I system of each branch of the Armed Forces as well as the

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