Page 102 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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guided weapons simulation tactical training center, and is now seeking to acquire a training

           center where vessel damage control training 38)  can be conducted in a vessel-like environment.
           The Air Force has acquired an integrated air base defense training ground and is in the process
           of introducing an integrated scientific training system for air defense artillery.

           |  Key Training and Exercises of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps  |    To
           foster individual combatants and units instilled with a warrior’s mindset and spirit, the Army is

           carrying out intensively realistic training that ref lects actual battlefield situations, such as combat
           f ir ing training under adverse conditions, as well as scientific training that involves MILES and
           combined training in diverse f ields.

             To equip its soldiers with combat operation capabilities corresponding to patterns of enemy
           attacks and combat situations, the Army has strengthened realistic combat shooting training
           involving targets of opportunity 39)  in diverse enemy scenarios. It also conducts intensive training
           under diverse situations with adverse conditions such as nighttime live f ire training and base

           capture training involving actual carrying loads. Moreover, physical training focused on combat
           missions has been strengthened while using various methods to enhance training outcomes,

           including selecting and rewarding 300 of the finest combatants – as individuals or in teams
           -once a year.
             Scientif ic training includes combat command training
           and training that utilizes MILES equipment and sim-

           ulation equipment. Training using MILES equipment
           help improve combat capabilities signif icantly because
           clear and objective training results are provided upon

           the completion of an engagement exercise conducted at
           the military camp or random areas. It is conducted in   A company training with MILES
                                                                equipment (March 2018)
           various types of units, including infantry, mechanized

           units, and special warfare units, at the platoon to regiment levels. At the Korean Combat

           38)  Training aimed at improving the ability to control all types of damage to naval ships and risk factors from the
               maintenance of a readiness posture in peacetime to response and recovery from damage situations so that
               fighting capabilities are maintained at their maximum level at all times
           39)  Targets that have not been planned and appear in real-time during combat

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